about the talking fish

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Writer. Wheelman. Occasional DIY mechanic. Walking collection of hang-ups. Hopeless romantic. Old-school. Analog soul in a digital world. I am all of these things and more.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Out of nowhere, JM Ibañez buzzed me last night on YM. It's been years since I'd heard from the guy and it was quite the welcome surprise.

Turns out he was out of UA&P and now in AMA as a freshman, while juggling his time with developer work. Not bad. At least he's a proper member of the workforce now. He seems fine and dandy, and like me he missed the halcyon days when working at our high school magazine Counterpoint was all that mattered.

He's also quite the driver these days and I gave him some tips on how to better harness the power of his 1.3 Ford Lynx. I'd like to meet up with him someday and have one of our long friendly chats.

I am so pissed off with teachers that presume their students can learn everything without them putting an effort into teaching. I now detest MARKCU1.

Personally this major subject has been nothing more than a major insult. I do all the readings, I listen to what Greek my prof feel like spouting at the moment yet it never seems to satisfy her.

What an insatiable sadist.

Applied for membership into the DLSU Pops Orchestra's marketing committee...again. This time Rachel and Tantan handled the interview and they seemed pretty impressed and bewildered with some of my answers (especially that one on appeasing a disgruntled sponsor, HA HA HA!).

I don't mean to be boastful but I think I stand a good chance of getting in, as my rusty-but-still-good layout skills can probably do wonders for their print materials. They mentioned I'd have to go through hosting duty and with enough practice I can probably do that. As for pleading with company execs to get into their mounds of money for sponsorship...I'll have to do some work on my diplomacy but I think I can do that too.

If I do get accepted into Pops, I'm going to sacrifice a lot of things. Badminton for one might be reduced to just a once-a-week thing and that's kinda infrequent, given that I play twice a week nowadays. Flexibility might screw with the set sked for fetching my sister home. Moreover I'll have to figure out how to squeeze in the thesis shooting. But I'll work something out.

I had a great time at Villamor yesterday despite losing two of my games and winning only one. Even with that, I have to say I think I'm getting better at this sport as I can react faster and smash deeper and with more direction than before.

A couple of these games were played against Caren, an attractive young woman whom I thought was older than me at first. Turns out she was just in her first or second year at San Juan de Dios, taking nursing. I thought she was older than me. I guess it was the way she acted.

She asked me the same thing. I told her I was 21; she said she thought I was 17 or something. She added that maybe it was the way I acted.

Now upon hearing this I didn't know what to make of it. Was this a compliment or a nicely hidden putdown?


Anonymous said...

Take it as a compliment! I doubt you were able to really show your true self (in a way that would showcase your maturity) through playing a couple of games in badminton. At least it shows that your initial impression on people is that of a younger person. I'd prefer that, personally. I'd like to maintain my childlike-ness in my outlook on life. :p


Anonymous said...

Childlike-ness = that might not be the right word. But I'd rather approach the world with the idealism, optimism and relatively sunny-er outlook of a youth. :p


JM said...

Hey, I never thought of it that way! Thanks Mela. :D

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