about the talking fish

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Writer. Wheelman. Occasional DIY mechanic. Walking collection of hang-ups. Hopeless romantic. Old-school. Analog soul in a digital world. I am all of these things and more.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

After, after, after

After three weeks, Gerald, Jho and I are no longer “new.”

This morning we were joined by Jackie and Vlad, the newest addition to our team. Everything went the way it did with us until lunch time came. By then the two newbies had access passes and could log on to their computers. I was somewhat chagrined by that, seeing as the three of us spent a week bored out of our heads, waiting for the same things Jackie and Vlad got in their first day. Oh well.

Still, they seem like a nice bunch. I really do hope they get to enjoy being in BDCN the same way I do.

After lunch I went to an ATM to check my account. I was curious to see if I’d already been paid my salary. Sadly my balance still reports I have nothing but a measly PhP100 as placeholder.

I really want to see my payslip...and I really want to see my hard-earned money. At least it’d make me appreciate it more.

After leaving my cubicle and my teammates tonight, just before going home I decided to take the elevator a few floors down. I had this crazy idea of visiting where she worked...and I did.

I really, really want to ask her out to lunch or dinner...

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