about the talking fish

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Writer. Wheelman. Occasional DIY mechanic. Walking collection of hang-ups. Hopeless romantic. Old-school. Analog soul in a digital world. I am all of these things and more.

Friday, April 13, 2007

It just isn't going to happen between you and a girl when/if...

  • You are constantly walking on eggshells trying to strike a conversation with her. "Oops, that might be too invasive...no, that might be the wrong kind of joke to crack." You know the deal.
  • You run into problems so early on just trying to communicate, and when you do it feels so stiff and unnatural.
  • You are so gosh darn scared of offending her and have no idea what exactly might do so.
  • You have no idea how she thinks, even after months of hanging out together.
  • You can't even manage to make her smile or laugh of your own accord.
  • She finds it strange that you send her text messages or emails instead of talking to her directly. Look, it's still the same message, just different media---what does it fucking matter?
  • The sincerity of effort you put into getting to know her isn't reciprocated.
  • You develop a nasty case of cotton-candy syndrome. The whole thing looks delicious until you bite into it, at which point you realize you're just eating air.
  • You have absolutely nothing in common.
  • You begin to think that maybe you really are from Mars and she really is from Venus.
  • She's your colleague.


Ate Neysa was right. This is the last time I'm ever going to woo someone from work. What they say is true: familiarity breeds contempt.

I realize the workplace just isn't the best place to find love. Disastrous results guaranteed! Not even the foreknowledge of this fact mitigates the pain.

Yes, you were right, I made a big mistake with you. Then again, this is probably for the best. I gave it a shot and kept at it until it became clear that it was never going to work anyway. There was no shame in trying, no sense in continuing and no denying that the truth had to come out sometime.

Should I be sorry?

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