about the talking fish

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Writer. Wheelman. Occasional DIY mechanic. Walking collection of hang-ups. Hopeless romantic. Old-school. Analog soul in a digital world. I am all of these things and more.

Friday, August 19, 2005

I don't feel or realize it yet, but today is the last day my blockmates and I will be spending inside a classroom in a proper class. It took Rachel's intuition for us to realize it. Funny but Kate and I didn't feel any sense of impending parting. We still had one term of OJT/thesis to go, and we still had finals to take and pass before that.

We already had plans set to commemorate our union as a block. In addition to the many e-groups we had created on Yahoo!, we wanted to have another one specifically for the block---without any other purpose such as a project or class or such. I also reminded them of a get-together at Tara's house during the term break.

Sigh...I still have things to do this term that I have to finish, first and foremost the little "event" we'll be having tomorrow at the Daughters of Charity hall for MARKEVE, and the stupid PR campaign for MARKPUB. I guess I had these things on my head so much that I had forgotten all about the last bits of time I'd spend with my beloved blockmates in the classroom.

To all of you guys...I'm really sorry for being such a hotheaded headache at times and for not being able to stand up to your all-nighters.

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