about the talking fish

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Writer. Wheelman. Occasional DIY mechanic. Walking collection of hang-ups. Hopeless romantic. Old-school. Analog soul in a digital world. I am all of these things and more.

Friday, July 02, 2004

While going to the band room for residency duty, Joanne and Tintin said hi. It's been a while since I saw these two. Joanne remarked I looked a lot thinner; Tintin agreed.

I didn't remember losing 20 lbs. anytime in recent history, so I raised my eyebrows in surprise, but I thanked them for the compliment anyway.

It took me an entire day to figure out that the reason why I "looked thinner" was because of the haircut I had for the yearbook pictorial.

Speaking of the pictorial, I showed up 30 minutes early but the makeup artists and photographer didn't seem to mind. Aside from the foundation literally being pushed into my face, it went okay and I was pretty pleased with the result.

The gunk took its time to come off my face though. I was in front of the sink for 15 minutes and spent 20 pulls of Kleenex to get it out.

Please do not deny me
The pleasure of feeling
You sliding across my skin
Luxuriating in your warmth
My senses coming alive
In the relative absence
Of sight

Let's just lie down
Next to each other
Naked in bed
Nothing else has to happen
I just want to feel you
Right next to me
Soothing me
Rejuvenating you

We kiss, we caress
Holding in each other's arms
Feeling every breath of you
Stamping your memory
Into every cell of me
Throw away reason
No more secrets no more lies
Do away with all disguise
Just the truth of us
Naked as can be
Nothing else has to happen
All I want to do
Is lie here with you
Until we fade away...

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