about the talking fish

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Writer. Wheelman. Occasional DIY mechanic. Walking collection of hang-ups. Hopeless romantic. Old-school. Analog soul in a digital world. I am all of these things and more.

Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Now I can say it officially and with all honesty: My schedule sucks.

My day started with a 7:00am Accounting 2B class for one hour. The next four and a half hours saw me looking for things to pass the time before my 11:40am Religion 2 class. Then, after Religion class I waited an astonishingly boring five and a half hours for my sister to run out of school at 6:00pm.

What did I do with all that time at hand? Nothing constructive. I am not so proud to announce that I wasted a lot of money on video games today out of sheer boredom. I was supposed to go back home to have my car's front wheels re-aligned, but I was afraid I wouldn't make it back to school in time to fetch Bianca. Looks like my fears were unwarranted.

In time I'll use those ridiculous breaks to do my Print Prod. projects or delve into my Comm. Research paper's requirements. As of now, though, I'd rather go home and nap out, or drop by Pam's.


Part of my ridiculous expense I used to buy some computer utilities for my PostScript fonts, so at least it wasn't all a waste. Also got myself a copy of Dreamweaver 3.0, which might prove useful for my Web magazine site project for Print Prod. later on.

I wonder when I'll find the motivation to get educated using Dreamweaver though.

More than ever, I am sick of the traffic choking Manila's roads in the evenings.

Thank God for Enya. Your music saves my sanity.

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