about the talking fish

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Writer. Wheelman. Occasional DIY mechanic. Walking collection of hang-ups. Hopeless romantic. Old-school. Analog soul in a digital world. I am all of these things and more.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Independence? Hah!

It is ironic that on the day we Pinoys commemorate our independence, my colleagues and I find ourselves forced into overtime by a client from overseas...through no fault of our own.

Happy independence day...but I doubt nowadays there's anything to be happy about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, this is interesting - you still have your blog. You may not remember me, but I posted a comment a few years ago. I was recently back in Asia (not the Phils.), and as with all things, I hav a tendency to research, specifically Independence day. Your blog came up after a few searches. Also, it turns out, you and I now work for the same firm ;) Too funny

Look me up, drop me a line. Dynee

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