about the talking fish

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Writer. Wheelman. Occasional DIY mechanic. Walking collection of hang-ups. Hopeless romantic. Old-school. Analog soul in a digital world. I am all of these things and more.

Friday, December 22, 2006

22 questions I'd like answers to this Christmas

Why do most of the girls I find attractive just so inconveniently happen to be smokers?

Is it really true that nice guys finish last?

Am I really as immature as I am led to believe?

Why do I have to suffer the nasty repercussions of developing a spine and asserting myself, when everyone else gets away with cheating and highway robbery?

Why does it seem that people have largely forgotten the “Christ” in “Christmas?”

Why is Gunpla and mecha modelmaking still attractive to me despite the ridiculous costs?

Why on earth did it take me 22 years to realize my frustrations/dreams of being a performer? That was simply too long.

What was the point of me attending seventh grade, other than delaying me by a year?

What is it with bars that is so attractive to people of my generation? You go to these cramped, smoky, noisy places to hang out and get smashed, which makes you a easier target for kidnappers or thieves…not exactly a safe state to be in Metro Manila streets at 3 am.

Am I really just a born misfit, a square peg trying in vain to fit in all manner of round holes?

Why do we lie to kids, always telling them in fairy tales that there’s a “happily ever after” when we adults know damn well there isn’t?

I’m supposed to be recovered from my flu from last month, so why am I still sweating bullets and feeling weak from time to time?

Why can’t ex-lovers become good friends?

Why can’t good friends become lovers?

Given the Suzuki Swift has good looks, why did Suzuki give the local version a squishy suspension and an automatic gearbox?

Is there really no such thing as a badly built car any more?

Why is the Sony PlayStation 3 so fucking expensive? At current prices, you can buy three used Toyota 4A-GE engines for the price of one PS3…

With Blogger’s Google-powered upgrade, does this mean their Blogger for Word add-on won’t work anymore?

Why did we ever have to develop egos?

When should I get married and have kids?

Why am I a born insomniac?

Why do you read my blog? What keeps you going back here? I’d really like to know what goes on in the heads of my handful of readers whenever they visit this place.


Firekeeper said...

your last question made me laugh--but also think. yeah, why do i read your blog? hahaha. i guess that, considering we only see each other a couple of times a year, i don't want you to become a stranger to me. it also means that i'd like to know what's going on with you, at least the parts that you're willing to share. some of your insights amaze me, too--like, you're right: why the hell do we lie to kids? :) take care man. oh, another reason--your blog is worth reading. :)

Anonymous said...

why good friends can't be lovers? -hmm maybe they're just too shy to say how they feel towards each other or maybe they're just waiting for forever to finally be honest with themselves.

I read your blog once in a while. Why? errr... I've got to find a reason. Later...

JM said...
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JM said...

Wow, thanks. I wasn't expecting to get comments anytime soon. :)

I'd sure like to know who the anonymous poster is...

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