about the talking fish

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Writer. Wheelman. Occasional DIY mechanic. Walking collection of hang-ups. Hopeless romantic. Old-school. Analog soul in a digital world. I am all of these things and more.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Played five games of badminton yesterday. 3 wins, 2 losses. Not bad at all, I guess. Coach Rey remarked that I got stronger on court already.

I got to meet a couple of guys new to the sport and were seriously enjoying it, even though they didn't have rackets of their own yet. Even without training, Val and Rey played pretty well, unlike how I did in my first couple of games. Val was a regular at the PAF gym, while pilot Rey used to play tennis.

With a bit of training they'll be better. I'm looking forward to playing against them sometime.

Badminton is taking a toll on me, I guess. Not that I'm complaining though.

Every night I just plop off to sleep satisfied, aching muscles and all. My blood pressure's at 90/70 mm Hg and my resting heart rate's at a low 68 bpm. That's always good.

Now if I could just lose more weight...

The results of our STAT102 quiz came out yesterday. Apparently I did well enough to ace the test. I was kinda embarrassed by the attention I got from my former STAT101 classmates, but was satisfied anyway.

I oughta get ready for school. Yaaaaawn.

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